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السبت، 17 يونيو 2017

King of the garbage collectors مسرحية مترجمة بالإنجليزية

مسرحية مترجمة باللغة الإنجليزية
A Comedy
King of the garbage collectors
Written by
El Sayed Hafez
Time : Dawn, blue lights, 260 of the Hegra calender.
Location: A Damascus suburb. A heap of Garbage in front of a simple hut.(Zâater enters finding Saâd; two men working for Kassam El-Turab). Saâd separates the
Zâater: What are you doing Saâd?
Saâd : What do you think I'm doing? Separating the garbage of the ruler,the traders and all the rich.
Zâater: what about the poor's?
Sâad : It is yours. It smells strongly. I wonder the poor are poor even in their garbage.
Zâater: As if you're one of the rich.
Sâad : Thank God, I'm satisfied.
Zâater: Here are fruits, rice and meat.
Sâad : and a remainder of grilled lamb in the judge's and another one with rice in the ruler's.
Zâater: (Looking at garbage of the poor). This is Amm Mansour's; the donkey's dyer. There is nothing but rotten bread, listen Saâd, let's do just as Kassam said; if you find something that can be eaten in the rich's, give it to the poor whose garbage screams.
Saâd: Through garbage, you can identify the class of each house.
Zâater: You're sticking to Moalem* Kassam's orders. Saâd:Kentish, Kentish, you ugly Kentsh.
Kentish: (enters) yes Boss.
Saâd: You know the house of Amm Mansour, the donkey's dyer?
Kentish: Yes.
Saâd : Take this for him and give him Moalem Kassam's regards.
Zâater : hurry up.
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